Human Rites Podcast

About the podcast

The Human Rites podcast is devoted to exploring contemporary rites of passage and Initiatory experiences.

Solo podcasts will be focused on brief astrology transits as well as longer ongoing cycles as catalyzing agents awakening our deeper evolutionary drives. Guests on the podcast will include leaders and changemakers in the field of human development, as well as those who are less visible but whose experiences acutely mirror our modern Zeitgeist. These will be conversation-style discussions of how to welcome and embrace life’s endless invitations to dance with our edges.

My wish with these podcasts is to honor our divine right as human beings to not have to know what we are doing/what is ‘right’ in every moment in order to discover our humility and heart along the way. As we relinquish grasping to know ourselves and increasingly surrender into nakedly experiencing our moment, we unravel into vital, embodied expressions of our timeless Being.

May these podcasts serve your sacred undoing through and into the unique facet of the Wisdom-Love You Are.

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Human Rites Podcast cover image
Human Rites podcast
Episode 1


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